0 – 15 Minutes
Doug discusses natural gas pipeline representation and the difference between FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Pipeline projects and natural gas gathering projects. The key to understanding pipeline projects and whether eminent domain and condemnation are a factor and the value to understand landowner’s options and rights when presented with Right-of-Way and easement agreements. It is never too late to contact and oil and gas attorney to evaluate your rights and formulate a strategy when presented with any energy company contract.
15 – 30 Minutes
Doug explains natural gas gathering lines from well sites to interconnect interstate lines. Doug addresses assessment of leverage and determine the type of project presented to the landowner. Does the pipeline involve eminent domain and condemnation or does your gas lease permit the installation of the proposed pipelines?
30 – 45 Minutes
Doug delves even deeper into leverage assessment issues and the importance of determining gas lease rights of energy and pipeline companies to install natural gas pipelines under the terms of existing oil and gas leases. What landowners need to know and the questions they need to ask.
45 – 60 Minutes
Doug concludes the discussion on pipeline agreement leverage assessment and what landowners need to look for and be aware of. Landowners must not rely on landman’s statements but have independent analysis and review by knowledgeable legal counsel working for them. Do not be tricked or fooled into signing bad natural gas contracts with energy companies.