0 – 15 Minutes
Doug explains how signing bad natural gas and pipeline agreements are not a problem until they become a problem. Discussion regarding how company friendly contracts can come back to bite the landowner in the future. Doug emphasizes the importance of experience in oil and gas issues. Also, discusses estate planning issues and the importance of having a specific plan in place to benefit your beneficiaries and heirs.
15 – 30 Minutes
Learning from past landowner mistakes. Do not touch the hot stove again. Get independent quality information from an experienced individual working for you, not the company landman seeking to obtain your signature. Be careful listening to your neighbor who may have already signed a bad pipeline or gas agreement.
30 – 45 Minutes
The importance of consultation with knowledgeable attorney to assess gas leases and pipeline agreements. Price of natural gas impact on gas lease offers. Western Pennsylvania representation and gas leases. Huntley & Huntley gas lease issue relative to buying oil and gas right and right of first refusal. Must be very careful with any transaction or agreement that may involve a right to purchase oil and gas rights.
45 – 60 Minutes
Doug discusses how this gas company inserts the right of first refusal to purchase oil and gas rights if the landowner desires to sell to sell their oil and gas rights or royalties to any third party, even a relative. Doug explains right of first refusal and a gas company lessee becoming involved in purchasing oil and gas rights. Doug reviews gas lease form which gives the gas company the first right to purchase oil, gas, minerals or royalty rights from landowner Lessors, who want to sell their oil and gas rights. Be careful of gas leases that provide the right of first refusal for the gas company to purchase your oil and gas rights if you elect to sell your rights to a third party. Landowners should seek to include addenda or language to eliminate lease forms that give companies right of first refusal to purchase OGM’s.