A Real Estate Transaction Typically Involves a Full or Partial Transfer of Rights in Real Property, or Real Estate, Between Two or More Parties.
Buying or selling real property within the Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale regions involves unique considerations not found in typical Real Estate Transactions. Both the Buyer and Seller must have knowledgeable legal counsel to protect their oil and gas rights and interests in all Real Estate Transactions. Real Estate Transactions in areas of natural gas development and exploration requires a detailed understanding of oil and gas law and the impact that any real property transfer will have on the oil, gas or mineral rights of the subject property.
Both the Buyer and Seller must carefully and clearly document precisely what, if any, oil, gas and mineral rights are being transferred as part of the Real Estate Transaction. Mistakes can costs either the Buyer or Seller thousands or even millions of dollars over time. If you are engaging in a Real Estate Transaction in an area of natural gas development and exploration, you need an attorney with experience in oil and gas law to protect and preserve your interests.
The Clark Law Firm represents Buyers and Sellers in Real Estate Transactions in areas of natural gas development and exploration. Attorney Doug Clark is Pennsylvania’s Landowner Lawyer and will effectively represent your interests as a Buyer or Seller in Real Estate Transactions involving oil, gas and mineral rights. Contact us today!