We signed our gas lease years ago, before anyone had a clue that this whole thing was going to get as big as it has. At the time, we talked to neighbors who were also being approached, but never dreamed we should actually get legal advice. Needless to say, we signed for a very low amount, and had no idea what some of the terms in the lease even meant. We first found out about Doug Clark and his firm from a gas drilling website, and found out he was holding a talk about pipelines, etc. in East Smithfield. We attended the talk and were very impressed with Doug’s knowledge about the whole process. Also, our heads were spinning with all the issues that need to be taken into consideration before signing any agreement. We had already been approached by a land agent about a gathering pipeline on our property.
We contacted Marceea and got the Clark Law Firm involved. They immediately took over all negotiations with the land agent, submitted a detailed addendum to the original suggested agreement, and kept us informed about every step. We had several conversations with Doug where he explained everything very clearly, and ended up with what we think is a contract in our best interests. We will definitely seek Doug’s advice in any future transactions regarding our lease and pipeline contract, and enthusiastically recommend him and his office to anyone who is contemplating signing any kind of gas-related contract.