All Things Marcellus® – Gas Price Impact (2/14/16)

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0 – 15 Minutes
Doug announces that All Things Marcellus may be expanding to southwestern Pennsylvania and the Pittsburgh market in weeks to come.  Doug sets the stage for the discussion of the impact of low natural gas prices on company activity and development and offers to landowners for gas leases and pipeline agreements.  Doug introduces the importance of understanding each individual circumstances and evaluating the impact of natural gas prices and energy company stock prices on landowner agreements.

All Things Marcellus® GEM 104 and KZFM
Air Date: February 14, 2016

All Things Marcellus® – Lease Amendment Show (2/7/16)

Posted by & filed under Radio Shows.

0 – 15 Minutes
Doug welcomes KC101 in Tioga County as a new station hat is now broadcasting All Things Marcellus every Saturday and Sunday from 9-10AM.  Doug discusses the spirit and intent of the radio show as and begins addressing interesting amendment of oil and gas lease agreements and the trend for more and more amendments, modifications, and extensions of gas and pipeline agreements due to low natural gas prices.

All Things Marcellus® GEM 104 and KZFM
Air Date: February 7, 2016

All Things Marcellus® – Low Gas Impact (1/31/16)

Posted by & filed under Radio Shows.

0 – 15 Minutes

Doug explains the impact of the natural gas market on drilling activity and what companies do to hold or extend leases in order to buy time to conduct drilling operations.   Doug discusses the economics of supply and demand of natural gas and the impact in oil and gas drilling operations. Doug discusses oil and gas landowner and royalty owner representation.  Doug does not and will not represent an oil and gas company or pipeline company.

All Things Marcellus® GEM 104 and KZFM
Air Date: January 31, 2016

All Things Marcellus® – Learn from Mistakes and Gas Prices and Deductions Expanded (11/15/15)

Posted by & filed under Radio Shows.

0 – 15 Minutes

Doug discusses gas and pipeline company’s landmen’s pitch of a “partnership” to landowners.  Doug provides an example of landowners who signed documents upon company representations only to be extremely disappointed when their property is turned into an industrial zone.

All Things Marcellus® GEM 104 and KZFM
Air Date: November 15, 2015

All Things Marcellus® – Gas Price Impact on Royalty Deductions (11/8/15)

Posted by & filed under Radio Shows.

0 – 15 Minutes

Doug touches on natural gas royalty deductions and percentage of deconditions relative to royalty payments; the need to have individual representation for estate planning.  Why every landowner should have at least a review and consultation with Attorney Clark before entering into any agreements to sell any oil, gas or mineral rights to any third party.


All Things Marcellus® GEM 104 and KZFM
Air Date: November 8, 2015